Zilkia Enid Maldonado

Counseling Psychologist

  73 Calle Central, Bo. Clausells, Ponce
     Puerto Rico, 00731
  787-649-0625    Maps & Directions
Zilkia Enid Maldonado is a Ponce, Puerto Rico based psychologist who is specialized in Counseling Psychology. Active license number of Zilkia Enid Maldonado is 3584 for Counseling Psychology in Puerto Rico. Her current practice location is 73 Calle Central, Bo. Clausells, Ponce. Patients can reach her at 787-649-0625. Zilkia Enid Maldonado NPI number (Unique professional ID assigned by NPPES) is 1033312848.
Zilkia Enid Maldonado help people with physical, emotional and mental health issues, improve their sense of well‐being, alleviate feelings of distress and resolve crises. She also provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of more severe psychological symptoms.
Counseling psychologists mainly focuses on: Healthy aspects and strengths of clients (whether being seen as individuals, couples, families, groups or organizations; Environmental/situational influences (how cultural, gender and lifestyle issues shape people’s experiences and concerns); Issues of diversity and social justice (e.g., advocacy); The role of career and work in peoples’ lives.
Complete Profile:
Zilkia Enid Maldonado speciality, credentials, practice address, contact phone number and fax are as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointment.
Name: Zilkia Enid Maldonado
Specialization: Counseling Psychology
Practice Address:73 Calle Central, Bo. Clausells, Ponce,
Puerto Rico, 00731
Professional Identification Codes:
NPI number stands for National Provider Identifier which is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). NPI details are as mentioned below.
NPI Number: 1033312848
NPI Enumeration Date: 08 Jun, 2007
NPI Last Update On: 16 Aug, 2022

Medical Licenses:
Doctors can have one or more medical licenses for different specialities in the same state or different states. Related medical licenses for Zilkia Enid Maldonado are as mentioned below.
License NumberSpecializationStateStatus
3584Counseling Psychology Puerto RicoPrimary
Business Mailing Address:
Business mailing address can be used for mailing purpose only, for visiting purpose patients need to refer above mentioned address.
Address: Zilkia Enid Maldonado
73 Calle Central, Bo. Clausells
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Zip: 00731
Phone Number: 787-649-0625
Patients can reach Zilkia Enid Maldonado at 73 Calle Central, Bo. Clausells, Ponce, Puerto Rico or can call to book an appointment on 787-649-0625.
Comments/ Reviews:

*Data of this site is collected from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and NPPES. Last updated on 13 January, 2025.